Lets get started.
The number one thing you can get rid of right now is:
1. Wire hangers (#deathtothewirehangers) – rather than throwing them away you can actually give them back to the dry cleaners. They’ll be happy to accept them. The hatred I have for this thin monster stem from my childhood. Maybe one day I’ll share the story with you.
2. Old cell phones and cell accessories – most cell phone companies have recycling bins for your unwanted phones.
3. Expired anything – this includes beauty products, food, coupons, rebates and etc. You get the gist.
4. Old receipts – Once you’ve passed up the return policy they pretty much have no use. If you must keep them, there’s an app called Expensify which allows you to scan them in and store them. Evernote is also a great tool.
5. Pens that don’t work – don’t you just hate when you need to write something down quickly and your pen ink is out!
6. Bad photos of yourself – need I say more!
7. Clothes that don’t fit anymore – of course you can donate them to your local charity.
8. Torn Underwear – I know they’re comfortable but it’s time to let them go.
9. Anything Broken – broken appliances, dishes, toys, etc. Chances are you’re not going to fix them.
10. All VHS movies – do this one now! Thankfully places like thrift stores, Greendisk, and the library are willing to accept them – even though I doubt anyone will buy them!
11. Old emails – this will take a while so you may need to dedicate some time for this task. There are a couple of sites that can help you get rid of hundreds at a time for free.
12. Read/Unread books – either lend them out or donate your old books to your local school, hospital or library. If some are missing pages, you can use the remaining pages as wrapping paper.
13. Kitchen appliances you don’t use – donate them to a charity or list them as up for grabs on Craigslist.org – they’ll be picked up in no time.
14. Tupperware – glass and ceramic are always a safer option.
15. Old batteries – battery brands like Duracell and Energizer says its okay to dispose them in your normal waste but there are also many battery recycling organizations in your city where you can dispose of them safely.
16. Excess kids artwork – I would suggest taking photos of them either alone or with your child holding up their masterpiece. Once that’s done you can either frame them or create a book full of them for memories.
17. Manuals – they can be viewed online.
18. Freezer burned items – though safe to eat, the quality will be poor and who wants that?
19. Mismatched socks- you can actually up cycle them and use them as cleaning rags – of course make sure they are clean before you do.
20. Old mail – make sure you shred them.
If you’re someone who typically finds it difficult to let go of things, ask yourself: would I pay money to keep it right now?
Though there are many more I can add to this list, but I wanted to only give you a few that will make the most impact in your space.
If you are interested in learning more on how Rescue My Space can help you get rid of items in your home, call us at 832.680.1089 or email us at judi@rescuemyspace.com.