How to get rid of Sentimental Items

This is a subject that probably carries the most weight out of any other matter I’ve ever encountered in my line of work. Sentimental items are the reasons to some of our existence. They hold a lot of weight, encompass our history and most importantly conjure memories that bring smiles to our faces. Lets be honest, the sentimental items we possess hold a special part in our hearts therefore they can NEVER be replaced let alone rid of.

Trust me, I get it. I currently have a box of sentimental items at my parents house right now and the thought of getting rid of them bring anger to my heart. Okay, maybe not anger to where I’d punch a hole in the wall if they were gone. More so, the kind of anger that feels like part of your heart has been ripped out of your body. Like when someone tells you, “ I have to tell you something” and you know what comes after that is information that will piss you off.

I can go on and on about the fear that takes over my body when I have to get rid of sentimental items but that’s not what this is about. Or is it? Okay, it’s not.

Buttons now has a home and is happier than ever!

Buttons now has a home and is happier than ever!

I’ve had to deal with getting rid of sentimental items my whole life. As my life would change, those items no longer had a place in my environment. Because of that, I had to find different ways to cope with the loss which has gotten me here today. Below I have 2 things you can do right now, that will help you get rid of those sentimental items that once had a purpose in your life. Remember these are things I’ve done in my life that have impacted me so it may be different in yours.


Just from reading the title you probably already know what I’m talking about. Because the items in our lives typically have a life cycle, the best way to remember your sentimental items is to take a picture of it. What this does is captures the item in it’s current fresh and beautiful state and allows you to visualize the joy the item once brought you. Whether the item was given to you from your grandma, your first expensive purchase or even artwork from your child, it will eventually be forgotten especially if it’s out of sight. Rather than just storing it away behind old “nothings (things you’ll never use again)” therefore collecting dust, say cheese and take a picture of it. You can even take it a step further and create a book or an album full of your sentimental items. Once created, you can place it on your coffee table and make it a conversation starter. Just a thought.


  1. As you read above, I do have a box full of sentimental items dating back to elementary. I’ve held onto letters, dead rose pedals and an ugly key chain I will neva eva eva eva eva eva use. Each and every item in that box reminds me of a person, place I’ve been to or time in my life I apparently still want to experience. Though these things mean nothing to me at this time in my life therefore I know no longer need them in my life, there’s a reason I’m sill holding on to them. What will I do with an old sock I wore in middle school? Nothing….. With that said, holding on to a few (10 items at the maximum) I think is okay. We are all different and have experienced different things in our lives so I can’t tell you what to keep and get rid of but I do believe holding on to a few will combat unnecessary clutter and still allow you to hold on those things that mean something to you. Of course you do need to understand you will be sacrificing some.

The goal of this post is to share my personal experience with sentimental items in my life and give you some ideas on how you can get rid of or minimize them. As you are, I am always going through my own organizing journey so I hope this brings some ideas on how you can remove the excess clutter out of your life so you can live free.

5 Signs It's Time to Declutter Your Closet

If you feel like you own more clothes than other people usually do or have to spend a considerable amount of time digging into a massive pile of clothes to find the outfit that you want to wear, it may be time to go through your entire closet and start picking out the ones you no longer want to keep.

You can minimize the amount in your closet by donating unwanted garments to homeless shelters, schools in low income neighborhoods, recycling ripped clothes, or selling them at the market or online. But if you’re still debating whether or not it’s time for a closet organizing session, you’ve come to the perfect place to help you make your decision. Here are the signs that you should consider decluttering your clothing piles:



If you still keep clothing pieces that are stained or smell bad, chances are you have an emotional connection to them. Before you throw those clothes into the ‘trash/give away bin’, you may want to try to get the stains or eliminate the smell first. If you fail to do so but really want to keep them, take the clothing pieces to the dry cleaner and let the professionals work their magic. If the smell and the stains continue to linger, it might be time to say goodbye.


This is the easiest way to decide if you want to get rid of your clothing pieces or not. When you first purchased each garment, it was probably because you loved the way that it looked or felt. If you look at them today and don’t like the style anymore, however, then it is obvious that you should get rid of them.


Fashion comes and goes very quickly. There may be some clothes that you bought while they were in trend, but now they just look too ugly and ridiculous to wear outside. There is no point in keeping the clothes that you barely wear in your closet. If something belongs in the past, leave it behind and move on. You can always invest in new garments that are more modern and classic.


Whether the clothes that you have are too big or too small, if you haven’t been able to fit in them for more than a year, they aren’t going to fit you anytime soon. Our body shapes change over time and if you don’t have the motivation to transform your physique just to fit in a few clothes, clear them out.


There will always be that pile of clothes that you have been abandoning in the back of the closet to the point that you’ve forgotten you own them. If you’ve never bothered pulling out that shirt, skirt, or pair of pants to wear on any occasion, there are plenty of people who would love to receive them. Here’s a task for you, go into your closet gather all of those garments and donating them ta a good cause. It’s up to you to figure out where.


Time changes and your sense of style does too. You may have liked dressing in vintage clothing ten years ago, but you might be into wearing hipster-styled clothing today. It’s okay to keep a couple of outfits in the style that you used to like, but there’s no point in keeping a closet full of them. Your old style could become somebody else’s new style once you’ve found your unwanted garments a new home.

If you’re looking for a Professional Organizer in Houston, TX to help make more space in your home, get in touch with Rescue My Space today! We’re always more than happy to help.

How to start decluttering your closet - Our Guide

Have you been spending much more time to get dressed in the morning because you struggle to find your favorite sweater? Or a shirt? Or basically any other clothing piece? If the reason why you cannot find anything in your closet anymore because of the giant pile of clothes taking over your floor, it is safe to say that it’s about time for you to consider decluttering your wardrobe.

 We get it. Getting rid of clothes can be heartbreaking, especially if you love fashion as I do. But trust us - you will feel sad only for a short time because life will be much better with an organized closet - we guarantee it! If you don’t know where to start, here are a few ways to begin decluttering those clothing piles:



 Throwing your clothes away might be rather difficult, especially if many are still in great condition. Rather than sentence yourself to a lifetime with a dumpster closet, however, why don’t you consider donating them instead?

 Try to go through all of your clothing pieces, shoes, and accessories, separating the ones you want to keep and those that you no longer wear. There is no point in keeping them at the bottom of your closet when someone else would be happy to wear them. Pack what you don’t want and put them in a donation box. Knowing where these clothes are going will help the decluttering to be easier.

 If you have three closets full of clothes, it will certainly be quite a challenge to clear everything in one day. Therefore, don’t rush the process. Pressing yourself too much will make you feel overwhelmed and possibly cause you to give up. Take your time and clear out the clutter, drawer by drawer. We recommend that you put a donation bin next to your closet to throw any unwanted items into every day. Once it is full your clothes will be ready to go to a new home!



 If you don’t have a lot of time to declutter, try to do it more often. Instead of digging through your clothes for 8 hours straight once a year, spare 10 to 15 minutes sweeping through your closet weekly. This way, you will not feel overwhelmed trying to get it done. It might even make you feel more calm and relaxed while decluttering. It is important to keep this routine going on the regular. Do not skip a week until your closet is well-organized. The reason why you should be consistent is that you will not lose track of trying to declutter.



 Small, frequent decluttering sessions are incredibly important, but they will not make deep cleanings obsolete. Seasonal decluttering is when you have to take every single thing out of the closet, wipe the closet walls, dust the shelves, and vacuum the whole wardrobe. After that, you will have to go through every piece of clothing before you put everything back in. Believe it or not, while you are placing everything back in its place, you will spot a few items that you don’t want anymore. Toss them into the donation bin and end your cleaning session with a drive down to your local donation center. Though the best time to do this is at the beginning of every season, if you are reading this either in the middle or end of the season then do it NOW!



Even though I’m using the term hoarding, if you believe you may be a hoarder I would suggest contacting a specialist in your area who would be able to properly assist you. If you believe you possess hoarding tendencies, then I’m talking to you. Look at yourself and contemplate if you have a propensity to hold on to a large amount of items for a long period of time. If you do, the first step to combating this behavior is to get rid of the clutter right now before it gets worse.

Most hoarders have a hard time getting rid of things because to them every single thing in their possession has sentimental value. There’s nothing wrong with keeping your mother’s pictures or items that represent someone to get organized you need to keep these type of items at a minimum. In order to truly enjoy your space in its entirety, you have to refrain from emotionally attaching yourself to material items. Therefore, including functional systems in your daily routine and changing old habits will help minimize the clutter in your closet once and for all.

If you’re looking for a Professional Organizer in Houston, TX to help you declutter and organize your closet, get in touch with Rescue My Space today! We’re always more than happy to help.


With the summer time being the most popular time to move, the idea of packing tends to be a process we typically put on the back burner.  In this video, I want to give you 3 simple packing tips you can use when in the moving process. Even though moving can be overwhelming, when you are prepared your moving process will move smoothly.


Rather than purchasing expensive wardrobe boxes or throwing your clothes into a box, trash bagging your clothes is the best way to transport your clothes from your current home to the new home. The steps to trash bagging your clothes is to 1) Open your trash bag 2) Grab a section of your hanged clothes 3) Place the trash bag over the clothes and as you’re doing that poke a hole in bottom part of the bag so the hanger hooks can go through it 4) Pull the trash bag over your clothes, fit your clothes in the trash bag and secure the bag by tying it. Once you get to your new home you can hang the clothes as is with the bag on the clothes, cut the bag off and your clothes will sit perfectly in its place.


Though packing paper and bubble wrap are important components in your moving process, using clothes as a replacement works the same. Not only is it more economical, it is also eco-friendly since waste is minimized. Whether you are using clothes to wrap and protect your breakable items or to fill a box, either way gets the job done.


Labeling boxes during a move is probably one of the most important tasks to do for efficiency. It not only helps you keep count of the number of items you have, it helps movers place your boxes in the correct location in your new home. When labeling your boxes it’s important to be specific when writing it down. For example, lets say you are packing a drawer in your bedroom and in that drawer sits your undergarments (bras, undies, socks and tights). On the label you will write (see below):

Box label.png

Honestly, as long as the label you create make sense to you and is clear for your movers, then your move will move smoothly.

If you’re interested in checking out the 3 Simple ways to pack video, click below.


If you’re looking for a Professional Organizer in Houston, TX to help with your move, get in touch with Rescue My Space today! We’re always more than happy to help.

How Long Should you Keep Household Items - Our Guide

One of the biggest reasons why people have so much clutter in their home is because of the unknown timeframe on how long to keep household items. Since there are no expiration dates on many of our random items, chances are you’re most likely going to hold on to them longer than you should. If you want to have a neat and organized home clear of purposeless objects, it’s important to first understand how to disassociate yourself with feeling like you need to keep everything you have.

If you’re ready to start clearing out the clutter but have no idea where to start, below let’s take a look at certain household items and how long you should keep them before getting rid of them.


Clothing Items and Accessories

Most people have a hard time getting rid of their clothes, especially women. To get started, you should pull out the clothing pieces, shoes, and accessories that you have not worn in over 2 years. While you’re doing that, make a pile of items that are stained or in need of repair. For those items that are stained or need repair, you should stop and plan when you will have them serviced. If you notice after 1 week you still haven’t attended to them, it’s probably time to let them go. For the other items you no longer have a need for, you can donate them, sell them or give them away to friends and family.


Food and leftovers

It is easy to disregard expired food in our refrigerators or pantries. Great thing is, it is not difficult to tell if your food items are expired or not, so this step is quite easy. Most fresh fruits, vegetables, and leftovers may not come with expiration dates, but you can keep track of this yourself. After a trip to the grocery store, place your produce into containers, write the date of purchase on a sticky note or a label, and place it on the container. This will help you keep track on when the items was purchased or opened and when it needs to go.

Below is an outline of the shelf life of common fruits and vegetables


You can do the same for leftovers - but you should eat them within 2 days. Dairy products can usually be eaten up to 10 days after purchase. Eggs can last for 3 to 4 weeks after purchase - and can be frozen!

According to, raw ground meats, all poultry, seafood, and variety meats should be refrigerated for up to 1 to 2 days. Raw roasts, steaks, and chops (beef, veal, lamb, and pork), refrigerated for up to 3 to 5 days. Cooked meat, poultry, and seafood can be refrigerated for 3 to 4 days. For red meat and fish if you don’t plan to use them right away it’s best to freeze them but you must eat them within 24 hours of defrosting.

According to the NHS, you can freeze meat for a long time and it will still be safe to eat, but the quality will decline so it's best to eat it within three to six months.

Cosmetic items

A MAC eyeshadow that cost $50 may be quite an investment, but it doesn’t mean that you should hold on to it for four years. Cosmetic items have expiration dates as well even though most people are unaware of this or choose to ignore it. Most mascara and eyeliners are best used within ninety days after it is first used.

Chances are that there will still be a lot of product left in the tube after a mere three months, but it’s best to get a new one as bacteria can build up in this product very quickly. Liquid foundation can last up to a year when kept away from sunlight and heat.

Most lipstick and lip glosses can be kept for six months up to a year before needing replacement. Makeup powder lasts the longest since you can use it for up to two years. That being said, if you detect a change in color or smell, discontinue use and throw it away.

Newspapers and magazines

Reading is a great activity, but it’s important to clear that pile of newspapers and magazines from time to time. If there is a particular article or photo that you’d like to keep, cut out the section and recycle the rest. There’s nothing wrong with keeping magazines around for a month or two, but as with newspapers because the quick turn around cycle, you should recycle them regularly.

If you’re looking for a professional organizer in Houston, TX to help make more space in your home or business, get in touch with Rescue My Space today. We’re always more than happy to help!

DIY Acrylic Dry Erase board


Now that my office is slowly getting closer to completion there are still some final touches I need to add to it before the big reveal. Being someone who enjoys writing things down I wanted to add a dry erase board to my office but not just any ole dry erase board, I wanted an acrylic board.

My first option was to purchase the board from this amazing maker I found on Instagram but after holding it off weeks later, I decided to take a leap of faith and make it myself. Guess what I did! Below you will see the steps I took to create my acrylic dry erase board. It only requires a few products and time but once you’re done you will have created your very own personal masterpiece.


  • Acrylic sheet

  • Standoffs

  • Decal - optional from Etsy

  • Painters Tape

  • Pencil

  • Drill

  • Drillbit

  • A level

STEP #1 Because the acrylic sheet will come with a protective film on it. Don’t peel this film off until you’re ready to apply the vinyl decals which is at the end.

Start off with measuring and marking where you’re going to drill the holes in each corner. I measured about an inch and a half from the edge and covered the area with some painter’s tape on both sides.

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STEP #2 Next, With a cordless drill fitted with a 1/2″ spade drill bit, drill a hole all the way through, peel the tape off, and clean up any ragged edges by scraping off the excess plastic that was removed.

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STEP #3 Mark the area on the wall where the board will be hung. Take your board and place it against the wall in its desired location. Mark the 4 corners on the wall using a pencil and drill into the wall. Make sure you drill the correct size hole in the wall according to standoff screws.

Screen Shot 2019-05-30 at 3.06.07 PM.png

STEP #4 Once all 4 holes are in place, hang your acrylic board into the screws and tighten the stand offs tightly to ensure your board is secure.



Take a step back and admire the master piece you’ve created! Oh and did I forget to mention, custom…


If you’re interested in watching the tutorial, check it out below!

Video Block
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6 Ways to Stop Sentimental Cluttering

Humans are emotional creatures - we are driven to hang on to things that we don’t necessarily want because we feel some sort of emotional connection to them. When it comes to decluttering, there are times when items have a significant emotional value that prevents us from wanting to throw it away. This is fine in most cases, but when you’re looking to declutter your space and make room for new things like furniture or equipment in your room, these old items will have to be discarded. In this article, we’ll talk about the six ways you can prevent and resolve sentimental cluttering so that you can enjoy a more spacious room overall. Let’s get into it!

1. Think About the Value
The first and most important thing that you need to think about is how much you need something and why the item is worth keeping. There are times when we keep things around because we feel that we need to do so, even when those things may lack worth. It’s important to recognize when you are doing this to learn how to get rid all of items, as they’re preventing you from moving on with your life.

2. Feel Free to Get Rid of Gifts
Many people don’t want to throw away gifts, because they feel as if they are responsible for taking care of them despite the fact that they may not really want them. If it’s been 10 years and you haven’t used the toaster that your distant aunt gave you yet, it’s fair to say that you never will. Donate or sell - either is better than letting it sit around unused.

A box full of sentimental items

A box full of sentimental items

3. Don’t Feel Guilty
One of the reasons why people are reluctant to throw away items in their home is because they feel guilty about getting rid of them. As we mentioned, you shouldn’t let guilt prevent you from moving on with your life. Therefore, feel free to get rid of the souvenirs from Egypt that you got from your distant cousin if you never plan on using them.

4. Upload Your Photos
Nowadays, we have access to digital technology that allows us to keep track of information, data, photos, and memories of an event or a trip without having to spare any physical space for them. If you have boxes on top of boxes of old photo albums, it’s time to upload them onto the Cloud so that you’re able to access them from any device you want at any time.

5. Donate Things You Never Use
If you have a piece of clothing that you haven’t worn in years because you don’t fit it or don’t like the style anymore, it’s time to get rid of it. Don’t think too much about the sentimental value that such pieces of clothing may have, as the majority of clothing holds some level of sentimental value anyway. When it comes to clothing, be picky. Keep only the most precious pieces and get rid of all the ones that you don’t need.

6. Make a Scrapbook
If you prefer to save your memories in small tidbits, having a scrapbook is a good direction to take. You don’t need a lot of supplies to start one; some newspapers, an empty notebook, a glue stick, a few markers, and you’re all set! You can preserve your most precious memories in a small book that you’ve made for yourself -- what better way to look back on your life than that?

If you’re looking for a professional organizer in Houston, TX to help make more space in your property, get in touch with Rescue My Space today! We’re always more than happy to help.